2014 income grant (negative tax)

The updated criteria for the 2014 income grant, otherwise know as negative tax, is a s follows:

1. Filing a request in the post office by 30.09.2015
You will need your Israeli ID card (Teudat Zehut) and a cancelled check (for proof of bank account info)
Requests must be filled out individually, you cannot fill one out for anyone else, not even your spouse.
2. You need to be at least age 23 with children or age 55 or more, even without children.
3. Average monthly income of more than 2,070 sh and less than 6,157 sh (or if you have 3 or more children 6,766 sh)
4. During 2014 you did not have (other than an apt/home where you live) the right of more than 50% to any other property in Israel or elsewhere.
This includes: apartments, houses, stores, etc.
5. If you are self-employed you have to file your 2014 taxes. If you are a salaried employee, your employer will have to file the 126 tax report for 2014 before your
eligibility can be determined. The Tax Authority will send you a notification via the mail. Make sure your address is updated in your ID card.

All the information is available on the income grant website: http://www.mahanak.org.il

This is not income tax, but the handling of the applications is currently done by the Tax authority.

Moshe Egel-Tal, CSPP
CEO and Founder Israpay “making payroll simplified”


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