All employers are required to issue either a work contract or an “employer’s notice of employment terms and conditions” to all employees within 30 days of starting employment. If the employees are youth (under 18) this must be done within 7 days of starting employment. Any change in the employment terms and conditions must also be issued to an employee within 30 days of the change (7 days for employees under age 18).
The only changes that do not require notification to the employee are:
1) Changes due to laws, comprehensive ordinances, collective agreements.
2) Update in salary listed in original contract or employer notification (although it is recommended).
3) A change that is itemized on the payslip.
The regulations state that for an employer to be considered as complying with this regulation the following information must be included in either the work contract or the notification:
1. Employer’s name
2. Employer’s address
3. Employee’s name
4. Employee’s address
5. Employee’s job title and discription of main duties and responsibilities
6. Full name and job title of employee’s direct supervisor
7. Address / location where employee is to be employed
8. Employee’s work days and hours and length of work day
9. Employee’s weekly rest day
10. Employee’s salary and any other payments he/she is entitled to
11. All social benefits employee is entitled to, their % or amounts
12. Employee’s start date, and duration of contract (if applicable)
The notification needs to be signed by the employer. In cases of foreign workers, it needs to be in the foreign worker’s native tongue or a language that they fully understand and be signed by both the employer and the employee.
Failure to comply may result in any or all of the following scenarios:
1) lawsuit in labor court by the employer – there is a specified amount that can be claimed for failure of the employer to comply which can be awarded by the court without need to prove any monetary damage.
There are three separate forms for employer notification to employees:
1. Employer’s notification form of details & terms of employment.
2. Employer’s notification form of contributions towards social benefits (pension, study fund, etc)
3. Employer’s notification form of change in terms of employment (any of the above information that changes require this notification)
All 3 forms are available for download on the Ministry of Economics website: Working Conditions Notification Forms