Everything you wanted to know about Havra’a payment


Everything you wanted to know about Havra’a payment

Submitted by Moshe on Mon, 30/08/2010 – 23:51


What is Havra’a payment ?
Havra’a payment (or convalescence pay) is an annual, mandatory payment effecting all employers in the state of Israel via an expanded regulation order signed by the Minister of Labor. This means it is treated as a law.
Havra’a pay is paid to all employees who have at least one year of tenure with the employer.
Those who don’t are not eligible, but the following year are eligible to receive Havra’a payment for the full year plus the portion of the first year.
The payment is a number of days (see table below) multiplied by the rate (currently 351 shekels), which is updated every June. Employees who work less than full-time positions, it is prorated according to your % of position actually worked (including sick days, vacation, reserve duty and maternity leave).
There are two rates, one for the private sector and another, higher rate for the public sector. There are also separate tables of days of Havra’a eligibility for Histadrut employees, municipal employees and teachers.

Since most of the users of this site are employed in the private sector I have chosen to relate to this only.

Tenure with employer                       Number of Havra’a days
1 year                                                                     5
2-3 years                                                                   6
4 -10 years                                                               7
11-15 years                                                                8
16-19 years                                                                9
20 years and  upwards                                         10


Example: an employee who has been employed with the employer for 4 years in the private sector would receive as follows:

7 days * 351 sh = 2,451 sh (gross)

Note: There are employers who prefer to pay Havra’a on a monthly basis instead of a one-time annual payment. This is legal and the result would be an additional payment on each payslip of 1/12 of the Havra’a payment. Of course the amount needs to be updated annually (usually in June or July payroll).
