New info on Tax reconciliation

bankrupt cartoon


The Israel Tax Authority has updated their website for citizens who want to apply for a tax reconciliation due to several simultaneous sources of income as a salaried employee. In the past, applying on line may have saved the time of physically going in to your local tax authorityoffice and waiting on line, but you still had to wait two weeks for the official documents to be sent to you via snail-mail. So, the first improvement of this process is an immediate procurment of the documents and the ability to immediately print them directly from the site !

In addition, every application recieves a serial number that can be accessed from any computer with internet capability to print extra copies at will.

The 3rd upgrade is that in the past, this was limited to a combined gross salary ceiling (from all sources) of 188,712 sh, this amount was updated to 436,272 sh !

And last, but not least, in the past you were allowed 3 tries, if you input mistaken information via the site, now that has been doubled to 6 tries, three and another three tries after 24 hours have past from the first three tries.

Save the time and do your tax reconciliation on your own time and in the comfort of your home ! No lines and no waiting !

Highly recommended



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