Q & A regarding part-time jobs

Q  How is Havra’a configured for an employee who is employed in a part-time position ?

Employees who are employed part-time are paid the Havra’a supplement pro-rated to the actual % of the position worked. If you worked 55 %, you would get 55 % of the Havra’a supplement.

Q  I work 80 % position and recently returned from Maternity leave. I asked my boss to allow me to work 1 hour less each day (nursing hour) as defined by law. My boss says this doesn’t apply to me as I don’t work full-time. Is he correct ?

A  Yes he is, section 7 of Women’s employment law allows women who returned from maternity leave the right to work 1 hour less each day, with no deduction in pay for 4 months, provided they work full-time. If you work 99% position you are not eligible.

My Job benefits include an annual payment of my car insurance, test and car license. I was told that if I work 75% position, I would only get 75% of these expenses. What is the logic behind this ? The expenses are still 100% ?

A  The logic is simple. This is a salary benefit and not a return of expenses. Although the expense remains the same for the employee, the employer’s participation is reduced according to the % of the position worked.

Q  I work at a 50% position. Many times we have pressure at work and I end up staying extra hours, but I am always paid 100% for these hours. Shouldn’t I be paid 125 % and 150% for overtime hours ?

A Actually, no. You need to fill up the hours you worked to 100% position. only then are you eligible for overtime hours.
The hours you worked that are in excess of your defined position are called extra hours or excess hours and they are paid at 100% rate. Overtime hours is a term specifically defined in labor laws as anything over full-time.

Q How are taxes configured for a part-time position ?

A Taxes are configured from the actual gross pay and the % of position is irrelevant.
However, if you work at more than one place of employment, you need to do a tax alignment (teum mas).

Q My boss wants me to go down to half-time position due to a slack in sales. Can he force me to do this ?

A Contract changes, especially in % of position, are acts that need consent of both sides (employer and employee). if an employee forces an employee to lower their % of position, this is a one-sided change of contract which enables an employee to resign their position while retaining rights to severance pay (provided the employee has worked 12 months).

Q I worked for 10 years full-time and now my boss wants me to go down to half-time. How will this effect my severance pay ?

A Ordnance 7 of the severance pay law specifically determines that severance pay shall be calculated according to the last full-time salary, pro-rated to the actual % of position worked for the whole period of employment. In other words,for the 10 years you worked full-time, you would be eligible for severance pay of ten full monthly salaries (1 for each year) and for the time you worked at half-time, you would be eligible for 1/2 a full monthly salary for each year worked.
