2011 Convalescence Pay (Dmei Havra’a) Rates

Effective June 2011 the following rates are in effect for Havra’a pay:

Private sector = 365 shekels per day
Public sector = 411 shekels per day

The number of days an employee is entitled to with regard to Dmei Havra’a is according to their tenure with the current employer, provided they have completed at least one full year of tenure. Continue reading “2011 Convalescence Pay (Dmei Havra’a) Rates”

Change in sick pay rates – April 2011

Good news for employees who were forced to take time off work due to illness:


Update #4 – 2011 of the sick pay law, effective April 1, 2011 incurs a change in the rates paid:

1st day – no pay (no change)

2nd + 3rd days – 50% of regular pay (up from 37.5%)

4th day onwards – 100% of regular pay (up from 75%)


In addition, employees who work a 5 day week – 21 2/3 days will be considered a full month (entitling employee to 1.5 sick days credit). If an employee did not work a full month the  credit will be prorated accordingly. (This is a change from previously 25 days = a full month)



  • The employee can request a doctor’s note for any illness.
  • The sick days need to be continuous, otherwise the count starts anew.
  • There is no buyout or redemption of unused sick days by law. This is accepted practice only in the public sector.
  • Sick day accrual, credit and debit as well as opening and closing balances for the pay period need to be itemized on the payslip.




New Tax Brackets for 2011

In 2011, the tax rates (%) remain the same, but the amounts in each bracket have been revised.

The new tax rates for 2011 are as follows:

monthly gross pay tax rate in % tax

up to 5,070 10 507

next 3,590 (up to 8,660) 14 503 Continue reading “New Tax Brackets for 2011”

Additonal 2011 Tax Changes

The following are the new tax changes as published by the Israel Tax Authority:

Tax credits

value of tax credit point 209 shekels

qualifying income ceiling for section 45 alef 8,200 shekels

25% credit ceiling 143.50 shekels

35% credit ceiling 200.90 shekels

minimum annual donation (charity) 310 shekels

Tax deductions Continue reading “Additonal 2011 Tax Changes”