Minimum wage update – Oct 1st 2012

Great news for all salaried employees who earn minimum wages. After the govt. raised the v.a.t. and the latest price hikes in almost everything we buy, The minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, Shalom Simchon announced today that the minimum wages will be raised from October 1st, 2012. This is the last update according to the last labor agreement signed two years ago between the Histadrut Haklalit and the Israeli Government and the Industry Union. The last update of the minimum wage was in July 2008.

The new hourly rate will be 23.10 sh (prev. 22.04)

The new monthly rate will be 4,300 sh (prev. 4,100)  – a 4.9% increase.

This also effects the hourly rate for youth, as follows:

up to age 16 – 3,010 sh

up to age 17 – 3,225 sh

up to age 18 – 3,569  sh


This notification was issued early, prior to the Jewish new year (Rosh Hashana) and according to the Central Bureau of Statistics will effect about 600,000 employees in Israel.



Company officers and executives can be prosecuted !

If you are a company executive or officer and your job entails employing workers  this post is for you,

It is your responsibility to be updated, to know and be familiar with the latest laws, regulations and court verdicts in this field.

You must control, oversee and issue directives in order to notify the company where you are employed that they are acting legally or not.

New regulations will be coming into effect on June 19th 2012 which call for closer control and inspection by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Employment for violations of mandatory labor laws in Israel.

Violators will be prosecuted, including company officers or executives, personally ! This is a criminal offense and can be punished with administrative fines of up to 35,000 shekels for each offense or even jail time.

It is your duty to do everything in your power to make sure that the law is adhered to. Do not play around with employee’s rights, it is not worth the risk of the good name of your company.

The Ministry has allocated a special tab on the menu of their website where they will publish the names of all employers who have violated the law !

Potential employees who are searching for a job can check this site to see if the employer is listed – they might get an indication whether they want to work for such an employer or not.






2011 Convalescence Pay (Dmei Havra’a) Rates

Effective June 2011 the following rates are in effect for Havra’a pay:

Private sector = 365 shekels per day
Public sector = 411 shekels per day

The number of days an employee is entitled to with regard to Dmei Havra’a is according to their tenure with the current employer, provided they have completed at least one full year of tenure. Continue reading “2011 Convalescence Pay (Dmei Havra’a) Rates”

How to understand your payslip – a guide for the perplexed

Here is an explanation of the Israeli payslip for the perplexed: Broken down into color-coded sections. This article was a guest post I wrote for in 2010.

The Israeli Pay Slip – An in-depth Explanation for the Perplexed

For those of you that are working in Israel, or have worked in the past, trying to decipher your pay slip is one of the most complicated things you will experience in the workplace, right up there with understanding how to use the coffee machine.

We are fortunate to have Moshe Egal-Tal available to provide us with a comprehensive article about the intricacies of the pay slip, so that you can better determine how you are being compensated, and confirm that there are no mistakes.

As with most things, payroll is much more complicated in Israel than in other countries. In January 2009 a new law was passed to ensure uniform mandatory information that must be specified on all pay slips.

All of the payroll programs in Israel (which generate the pay slips) must be approved by the tax authority that they meet the mandatory requirements as defined by laws and regulations. Regardless of the program your employer uses, all the programs have common attributes. The layout and placement will differ a bit from program to program, but there are basic requirements that are mandated by law. The purpose of this article is to familiarize you with the terminology and help you understand what is printed on your pay slip. For those of you working, it is highly advised to examine your pay slip each month in order to ensure that there are no mistakes. Understanding what was paid/deducted from your pay is critical and to your benefit.

There are payroll programs for the PC that are off-the-shelf software (as is) that are commonly used by small employers / CPA offices who run payroll for their clients. There are also more complex programs that use a large number of variables that are user-defined by the employer. These programs are usually used by medium-sized and large companies. The PC programs generally allow printing pay slips on plain paper or pre-printed forms, which are more costly and as a result many employers are reluctant to use them. A plain paper pay slip is legal as long as it contains all the data required by law and as long as it is signed and has the company stamp on it.

The Makeup of the Pay Slip

The Israeli pay slip is made up of several sections (see Appendix for example):

· Specific information (header)

· Payments (tashlumim)

· Mandatory deductions (nikuei chova)

· Voluntary deductions / commitments (nikuei reshut / hitcheivuyot)

· Informatory information / accumulated sums (meida klali / mitstabrim)

The Specific Information Section (or header) (see sections #1, #2, and #7 on the demo payslip below) contains the employee’s name and will usually contain the name and/or number of the department/project where the employee works. Typically the employee number is also listed and the employee’s teudat zehut number and home address.

The pay period is also listed, for example: March 2010. The employer’s name, address and tax identification number and the employee’s bank account details and start date. If you work in the public sector, you will also have your pay table and rank listed as well as your % of position (full-time [100%] or part-time). There will also be a detailed account of your vacation and sick days; balance at start of pay period, credit for the pay period, debit for the pay period (how much you utilized) and your new balance.

The Payments Section (see #3 in red on the demo pay slip below) contains an itemized breakdown of all the components paid to the employee for the pay period. For example; Base pay, travel expenses, overtime hours, etc. Also in this section will be any tax value components (Holiday gift, company car or any other benefit that isn’t paid in money). The total gross pay will also be listed at the bottom of this section.

The Mandatory Deductions Section (see #8 in light blue on the demo pay slip below) contains an itemized breakdown of all deductions that are mandatory by law.

For example; Income tax, Social security, Health tax and mandatory pension payments. These are the employee’s part and as such are deducted from the total gross pay. The total of all the mandatory deductions will also be listed.

Some programs have added underneath the itemized breakdown of mandatory deductions, the employer’s part for any pension or savings funds or health insurance that the employee is entitled to. Other programs detail this in the informatory information section. The law stipulates that this must be detailed on the pay slip, but not necessarily where. It is usually categorized with an underlined or bolded headline or in a pre-printed field.

The Voluntary Deductions Section (see #10 in orange on the demo pay slip below) contains an itemized breakdown of all deductions that are voluntary.

For example; advances on payroll, repayment of loans to employer, charges for purchases to employees from a company store/collective purchase, payment for subsidized vacation or any other social or cultural events sponsored by or promoted by the employer which entail a cost to the employee or money deducted from an employee for loss or damage to equipment. The total of all the voluntary deductions will also be listed. This total amount is also deducted from the total gross pay.

The Informatory Information Section (see #4 in bright green on the demo pay slip below) will contain the monthly gross pay for tax and social security purposes and the monthly gross base pay for pension.

This section also will contain various informative details: total accumulative gross pay for the current tax year, number of actual days worked in the pay period, total number of potential work days in the pay period, the employer’s tenure is usually listed here as well. The employee’s tax credits as well as the value for each credit will be listed as well as a detailed account if there are any special tax benefits (oleh chadash, discharged soldier, national precedence area, etc) or a tax coordination was done.

The footer of the Pay Slip (see #4 in bright green on the demo pay slip below) {note: On this payslip this section is incorporated as part of the Informatory section} will contain the amount of days for tax purposes for each of the months worked. Monthly salaried employees will see 25 for each month worked, although there are payroll programs that put a check mark near each month worked.

The employee’s marital status and number of children under 19 years old will also show up here or in the specific information section. The employee’s marginal tax percentage and the accumulative amounts for the employee’s part of each of the funds/savings plans and whether the employee’s spouse is employed or not is included as well.

The minimum wage must also be listed (monthly and hourly rates). This section will usually have the total gross pay, total deduction, net pay, total voluntary deductions and pay in the bank listed.

Income Tax (will show up in section #8 in light blue, on the demo pay slip below)

The 2010 tax brackets are as follows:

Up to:

4,590 shekels 10%

8,160 shekels 14%

12,250 shekels 23%

17,600 shekels 30%

37,890 shekels 33%

Every additional shekel 45%

The tax is configured anew each month on an yearly-accumulative basis which takes into account all payments paid by the employer since January of the current year and after configuring the tax, the accumulative amount of tax that was paid is deducted and the remainder is the tax for the current month.

This is easily explained via the following example: for the first 3 months an employee earns the same gross pay. In the 4th month he receives a 3,000 shekel bonus. Obviously this will raise his taxes for this month. Occasionally, employees receive a tax rebate on their payslip via the form of a negative sum of tax.

Tax Credits/Points

All employees are eligible for tax credits (each worth 205 shekels – JAN 2010). The tax credits are allotted as follows: Every employee 2.25 points, Female employees an additional 0.50 points Single parents who have care of children under 19 get an additional point for each child and a half of a point for children the year they were born or the year they turn 19. There are other instances where employees may be eligible for extra tax points, but these may be given by the employer only upon written instruction by the tax authorities. Examples are: handicapped children, invalids, crippled or blind employees.

Consult the Israel Tax Authority’s web site for more information: (the total # of tax points will show up in section #4 in green on the demo pay slip below)

Social Security (Bituach Leumi) (will show up in section #8 in light blue, on the demo pay slip below)

Social security is mandatory for all female employees between 18 – 62 and male employees between 18 – 65. There is an employer’s portion and an employee’s portion. The money insures an employee against bankruptcy of the employer, reserve army duty, unemployment, old-age stipends, work-related accidents, just to name a few. For the first 4,806 shekels the rate for the employee is 0.4%, anything over this is calculated at 7%.

Mandatory Pension (will show up in section #8 in light blue, on the demo pay slip below)

The mandatory pension law went into effect in Jan 2008. All employees who either have an existing “live” pension plan from a previous employer or anyone with tenure of 6 months are eligible for pension. In 2010, the rates are: 2.5% employee, 2.5% employer and 2.5% severance pay (employer). The employee’s contribution is deducted from his payslip and must be deposited to the fund of the employee’s choosing.


Explanation of the Above Demo Pay Slip: (click on the image to enlarge it)

1. Employer’s Information (name, address, tax i.d. #)

2. Employee’s Name and Address

3. Payments Section (itemized and total of all gross payments)

4. Additional Information, annual accrued totals and vacation and sick pay balances

5. Space reserved for notice to all employees such as “happy Holiday” (see example above), or personalized message for specific employee(s) such as “Happy Birthday”

6. Information Regarding this Pay Slip (the pay period and date the pay slip was printed)

7. Personal Information (Israeli ID #, basis of employment (monthly/hourly), bank account details, tenure, start date, marital status, etc)

8. Mandatory Deductions (itemized and total)

9. Net pay (prior to voluntary deductions)

10. Voluntary Deductions (itemized and total)

11. Net Sum Transferred to Employee (bank account/check)

Everything you wanted to know about Havra’a payment


Everything you wanted to know about Havra’a payment

Submitted by Moshe on Mon, 30/08/2010 – 23:51


What is Havra’a payment ?
Havra’a payment (or convalescence pay) is an annual, mandatory payment effecting all employers in the state of Israel via an expanded regulation order signed by the Minister of Labor. This means it is treated as a law.
Havra’a pay is paid to all employees who have at least one year of tenure with the employer.
Those who don’t are not eligible, but the following year are eligible to receive Havra’a payment for the full year plus the portion of the first year.
The payment is a number of days (see table below) multiplied by the rate (currently 351 shekels), which is updated every June. Employees who work less than full-time positions, it is prorated according to your % of position actually worked (including sick days, vacation, reserve duty and maternity leave).
There are two rates, one for the private sector and another, higher rate for the public sector. There are also separate tables of days of Havra’a eligibility for Histadrut employees, municipal employees and teachers.

Since most of the users of this site are employed in the private sector I have chosen to relate to this only.

Tenure with employer                       Number of Havra’a days
1 year                                                                     5
2-3 years                                                                   6
4 -10 years                                                               7
11-15 years                                                                8
16-19 years                                                                9
20 years and  upwards                                         10


Example: an employee who has been employed with the employer for 4 years in the private sector would receive as follows:

7 days * 351 sh = 2,451 sh (gross)

Note: There are employers who prefer to pay Havra’a on a monthly basis instead of a one-time annual payment. This is legal and the result would be an additional payment on each payslip of 1/12 of the Havra’a payment. Of course the amount needs to be updated annually (usually in June or July payroll).

Information on correct employment of youth

Information on correct employment of youth

Submitted by Moshe on Tue, 29/06/2010 – 13:04


As summer vacation approaches, it is time once again to refresh everyone’s memory as to the laws regarding youth employment.


It is strictly forbidden to employ youth under age 14.
Youths between the ages of 14 – 15 can be employed in light work only. Light work is defined as work that will not hinder or impair their health or development.
During the school year and in certain dangerous jobs, it is permitted to employ youth only from age 15 and up, under condition that the mandatory learning law does not apply to them.
(examples of dangerous jobs: heavy cutting machines, manufacturing and processing of flammable substances or items, work at temperatures below 4 c or above 40 c.
As for youth employed in commercials, preformances, etc. a special permit is needed from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Employment, Other special regulations as to employment conditions and hours apply.


The law mandates the employer to demand from youth employees (under age 18) to produce a work notebook, as a prior condition of employment.
This notebook is issued by the local employment services office. In order to procure a work notebook, applicants need to show up in person with their Israeli I.D. card (or one of their parent’s I.D. card where they are listed), a doctor’s note from the family practitioner, that they are healthy and able to work, 2 passport pictures. There is no fee to procure the work notebook and it is issued on the spot.
The work notebook needs to be on premises at the place of employment.


The purpose of this law is to make clear the conditions and terms of employment, rights and obligations of the employee.
Each youth must receive a written notification. signed by the employer, within 7 days of start of employment and it must include all of the following:
the ID number of the employee, employee’s name, address, start date and length of employment, work hours, job description, houly rate and all benefits and payments (i.e. travel expense), name and job description of the employee’s direct superior adn any other information which can help the youth understand his job and what is expected of him.


Youths can be employed for up to 8 hours maximum per day and no more than 40 hours per week.
Youths aged 16 and above can be employed for up to a maximum of 9 hours per day, as long as the maximum of 40 hours per week is complied with.
The above does not apply to youths that are employed and who are covered by preferential terms of employment or a collective agreement and also handicaped youth (physical, mental) who are employed in protected factories (factories that the State of Israel participates in their financing).

OVERTIME employment of youths in overtime is completely forbidden by law !

Weekly day of rest

It is forbidden to employ youths during their weekly day of rest (Shabbat) and there is no possibility of receiving a permit for this.


After 6 hours of work, it is mandatory to allow youth a 45 minute break for rest and to eat, at least 30 minutes must be consecutive.
The break is usually on the employee’s time (i.e. unpaid) but this should be agreed apon before employment commences in order to avoid future misunderstandings.


The law states that between the hours of 20:00 and 08:00 A.M., it is forbidden to employ youths under age 16.
Employment of youths, between ages 16 – 18 is forbidden between the hours 22:00 and 06:00 A.M. unless a special permit has been granted
from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Employment.


All employers are required by law to keep track and record the exact hours of work of all youth employees, and if such is done manually, each youth who is employed, and the employer need to authorize their hours by signing off on them daily.


For the first four years at the place of employment a youth is entitled to 18 calander days (14 actual work days) of vacation time per year.


In addition to pay, youth are entitled by law to re-imbersement for travel expenses from their home to work and back. The maximum rate per day for travel expense is 23.70 shekels. The employer is obligated to ensure that the youth employees have means to return safely home after work. youth who work 18 days or more, are usually paid the rate of a monthly free bus pass (chofshi chodshi). Those who work less than 18 days would be paid per day at the rate of cost (up to the max 23.70 sh)


It is illegal to fine or punish youth by means of salary deductions, unless specifically permitted by law. This includes any dedections for “damages”.


A youth’s income is taxable, just as a regular (over age 18) employee.
The only difference is that youth between 16-18 are eligible to receive an extra tax point each month. Male youth (16-18) receive 3.25 tax credit points, while female youth (16-18) receive 3.75 tax credit points. Each tax credit point is worth 205 shekels (as of Jan 2010).
Working youth are exempt from payments towards social security (bituach leumi) and health insurance (bituach briut), however the employer is obligated by law to pay the employer’s portion of social security as follows: (as of Jan 2010) 0.38% of the total gross pay – up to 4,809 shekels and 0.61% of every additional shekel up to 79,750 shekels.

MINIMUM WAGES FOR YOUTH (in Israeli Shekels) – updated June 2010

Age—— Monthly salary **—– Hourly Rate
up to age 16 —– 2,695.13 —— 15.58
up to age 17 —– 2,887.63 —— 16.69
up to age 18 —– 3,195.65 —— 18.47
apprentices * —– 2,310.11 —— 13.35

* apprentices are in accordance with the apprenticeship law only)
** The monthly salary is for full-time position – no more than 40 weekly hours or 173 monthly hours. Partial positions are configured accordingly.

Even if a youth agrees to work for less than the amounts in the table above, it is illegal and the employer cannot pay less than the minimum.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is no such thing as a “trial period” or “training” where the youth employee would not be paid !
Every period of employment carries mandatory payment for work from the first hour of work. Payment is mandatory for training, explanatory meetings, etc. such as pre-work meetings for summer camps.

New Mandatory Pension law in Israel

On July 19, 2007 a collective agreement was signed between the New General Worker’s Union’s professional and pension association and the liaison office of the financial organisations in Israel requiring employer’s to insure their employees in a comprehensive pension plan.

On July 30, 2007 this agreement was declared an expanded regulation order by the minister of labor, thereby making parts of the collective agreement mandatory for all employers and employees in Israel starting January 1, 2008.

Who does this apply to ?

Any employee who isn’t insured and is employed/will be employed in any place of work.

Who does this not apply to ?
1. An employee who is insured in a pension plan
2. An employee who retired from work at retirement age and is receiving a pension
3. An employee, who is 50 years old or older, who on the 1.1.2008 or the start of employment date (the later of the two) doesn’t have a pension plan can join at his choosing, by way of written notification to his employer, a gemel savings plan (pension or savings or any combination of the two) but if he doesn’t choose as said above this expanded regulation order will bind him as well.
4. Female employees under age 20 and male employees under age 21. when they reach said ages the expanded regulation order will bind them as well.

When does this law apply ?
Starting January 1, 2008 or the employee’s start date (the later of the two).

An employee who starts work and has no pension plan coverage at all will be eligible immediately for pension plan coverage after 6 months tenure.
(during 2008 the waiting period was 9 months).

An employee who starts work and has pension plan coverage will be eligible for pension plan coverage from his start date. The deductions will start after 3 month’s tenure or at the end of the tax year (the sooner of the two), retroactive to the start date. In this case there is no waiting period.

Employees who have tenure of at least 9 months on jan 1, 2008 – deductions will commence from Jan 2008.

Employees who have enure of at least 6 months on jan 1, 2009 – deductions will commence from Jan 2009.

Base pay for pension
The mandatory pension insurance is from the base for severance pay as defined by the severance pay law.
The ceiling is the average salary as publicized from time to time.
This is a gradual plan meant to bring the mandatory deductions to 15% within 5 years.
The deductions are done through payroll and will be itemized on the payslip, including accrued annual totals and employer’s part.

There are 3 parts to this plan: the employee’s part, the employer’s part and severance pay part (also the employer’s part)-and all are listed on the pay slip.

How much is the deduction ?
(Only the employee’s part is deducted from the employee’s pay)

Starting 1.1.2008 the employer’s and employee’s parts are 0.833% and the severance pay part is 0.834%
total 2.5%

Starting 1.1.2009 the employer’s and employee’s parts are 1.66% and the severance pay part is 1.68%
total 5%

Starting 1.1.2010 the employer’s and employee’s parts will be 2.5% and the severance pay part will also be 2.5%
total 7.5%

Starting 1.1.2011 the employer’s and employee’s parts will be 3.33% and the severance pay part will be 3.34%
total 10%

Starting 1.1.2012 the employer’s and employee’s parts will be 4.16% and the severance pay part will be 4.18%
total 12.5%

Starting 1.1.2013 the employer’s and employee’s parts will be 5% and the severance pay part will be 5% as well.
total 15%

The employer’s part for severance pay will be instead of severance pay according to the severance pay law and cannot be returned to the employer’s ownership unless the employee is denied right to severance pay according to sections 16 and 17 of the severance pay law, or in case an employee or his beneficiary withdraws money from a pension fund before he is eligible (death, retirement at age 60 or over, invalid)

The Israeli Employee’s Rights Handbook

Due to increasing request and popular demand, work has commenced on the new ‘Employee’s Rights in Israel Handbook” soon to be released.
The handbook is in English and explains, in easy to understand language, basic payroll and labor law issues that are relevant to anyone who works as a salaried employee or is an employer of employees. The handbook is a means for employees and employers alike to become familiar with employee rights according to the Israeli Labor laws and avoid unnecessary confrontations in the future.
The Handbook will be available through this site only – stay tuned !
Place your order for the the handbook today and receive a 10% discount on the price ! This offer is for a limited time only.

send an email to to reserve your copy today  !

May 11th, 2009 mini-seminar at the AACI, Jerusalem

On May 11th at 19:30 there will be a mini-seminar at the AACI – 11 pinsker st. Jerusalem. The topic is “what does the employer need to put on the payslip”
speaker: Moshe Egel-Tal, CSPP

Don’t miss this important topic !