Did you make Aliyah? Sign-up for the next Know Your Rights seminar

If you have already made Aliyah or are contemplating it, this post is for you.

In the past few years I have met up with many Olim who not only didn’t know how to read their pay slip, Hebrew aside, but didn’t even know the most basic Israeli Labor laws, what their rights are as an employee or when they are terminated and that’s just for starters. Continue reading “Did you make Aliyah? Sign-up for the next Know Your Rights seminar”

How To Quit Your Israeli Job and Still Receive Severance Pay

This article was published exclusively at JobMob

Scared about your severance rights?

The employed-job sector has gone through many revolutionary changes in recent years that are characterized mainly by a huge turnover of positions. The days when an employee was secure and stable in his position for life – that were a major factor in accepting a position – are no longer. Employees aren’t afraid anymore to change jobs and if someone stays at a position for 3-4 years it is considered a long-term position. Due to high employee mobilization, many employees would like to resign in order to pursue other job opportunities but refrain from doing so because they know they will only get severance pay if they are terminated by their employer. Continue reading “How To Quit Your Israeli Job and Still Receive Severance Pay”