Penalty for tardy payment of payroll


Penalty for tardy payment of payroll

Submitted by Moshe on Mon, 23/08/2010 – 20:44

The protection of salary law specifies that salaried employees must be paid by the last day in the period of time for which they are being paid (i.e. the last day of the month), however salary will only be considered to be have been paid late if 10 days have passed since the due date. In plain English, this means it cannot be enforced until the 10th of the following month, thereby creating the myth that salaries can be paid by the 9th of the month.
But what actually is the penalty for late payment ?
The law specifies that for the 1st week of tardy payment the employer is penalized 5% of the amount that hasn’t been paid and from the second week onwards, for each additional week (or part thereof) an additional 10%.
The same applies for monies that were deducted from the employee’s pay but not transferred by the employer to it’s rightful destination on time; For example pension plan savings.
Labor courts tend to be lenient on penalizing employers when the employer claims that it wasn’t purposely done or for reasons that weren’t in his control.
There are things that can be done, like filing an anonymous complaint with the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Labor’s hotline (see essential phone numbers in the menu bar on this site)
Late payment of payroll on a recurring basis is usually a just means for resigning your position and retaining rights to severance pay if you have worked at least 1 year with the employer.